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    Small watercolor studies

    I grew up in a small town in the south of the Netherlands which finds itself in the midst of a marl landscape. Sometimes the marl appears above the ground, yellowish in color, rocky and steep, but also with deep…

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    Marl landscapes, the process

    I would like to explain more of the process of the small square landscape paintings inspired on the marl landscape where I grew up. And as you know me and my work, you already noticed I like to exaggerate things…

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    Capturing moments

    Sitting on a bench in a garden which was open to public I stared at the pretty large flower bed filled with Coneflowers. It was already late in the season and their petals were hanging down. That didn’t harm the…

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    The pink ‘roulotte’

    A ‘roulotte’ is French for a mobile home. In a world that’s getting faster and faster, I often need to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of life. And there’s where a roulotte, as I like to call it, appeals to…

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    Is it thát time of the year!?

    Yes it is! I love these flowers so much. They look so happy and they come in so many colors. They’re like little faces, each with their own expression. In the past they seem a little oldfashioned to me, their…

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    In the moment

    Sitting in a comfortable chair, with a cup of tea made with Elderflower blossom which I picked in the fieds. At least from a place not, or less, polluted by many cars passing by. At the end of the summer…

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    Color studies

    Meanwhile all of you know I love playing with color. Making color swatches is one of them. Not only from a professional point of view (being a color consultant), but I also love to see the paint flow and blend…

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    Days before Christmas

    December days, darkness outside, lightness inside. The many Christmas lights are shining with happiness, reflecting in the windows and on the walls, creating magic. Tiny glittering shadows are dancing, moving like little fairies. While staring at them they get blurred…

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    Painting mushrooms

    As you could read in my last post, we did a guided tour about mushrooms. We went to the woods, to a space were we could observe many different species because it’s the season right now. It was an educational…