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    Color studies

    Meanwhile all of you know I love playing with color. Making color swatches is one of them. Not only from a professional point of view (being a color consultant), but I also love to see the paint flow and blend…

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    Color study

    I see and feel through color, I’m always looking for a new palette, a new combination, and experience how they communicate to each other. It’s never boring to me. We can perceive millions of colors and there are countless colorcombinations.

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    Monday musings

    I love just sitting, apparently doing nothing and stare in the distance, musing about all sort of creative thoughts that wander my mind. All these things that add another dimension to my life since my children are grown up, have…

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    Making color-studies makes me happy, I’ve made so many in the past while doing my study and research to become a color consultant. I have been attracted to colors as long as I know, and it soon became a passion.…