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    Capturing moments

    Sitting on a bench in a garden which was open to public I stared at the pretty large flower bed filled with Coneflowers. It was already late in the season and their petals were hanging down. That didn’t harm the…

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    Is it thát time of the year!?

    Yes it is! I love these flowers so much. They look so happy and they come in so many colors. They’re like little faces, each with their own expression. In the past they seem a little oldfashioned to me, their…

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    E is for Elephant

    E is for Elephant ?. Another animal painting. I love all animals and I’m always intrigued by the expression in their eyes, which can say so much. Although elephants have very small eyes, comparing to their size, I tried to…

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    Next prompt for #fairytaleweek was amagic. And yes, I believe in magic 🙂

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    Another stage of growth

    Not in the garden yet, but the Hyacinths in the pot arrived at another stage, the little flowers became visible. I love the imperfection of the broken pot.

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    Grape Hyacinths

    These sweet little grapes are blooming in my garden. Instead of picking, I’ve painted them. I did a more realistic version first and then I just wanted to do a color expression.

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    Bloom, a new project

    A lot has happened since my last post, I’ve been quiet on my blog here but I’ve been busy behind the scenes. One cold day in January, while musing and staring out of the window where the birds were flying…

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    More Hydrangeas

    As in my last post, I told you about my love for Hydrangeas. Well, I didn’t say too much when talking about their change of color, they kept changing into the most amazing colors I never have seen before with…

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    Lovely Hydrangeas

    I can’t get enough of Hydrangeas, seen for the first time while being on holidays in Brittany when I was a little girl. Those big bushes of color in all shades of blue and pink make me wonder and marvel.…