Lovely Hydrangeas
I can’t get enough of Hydrangeas, seen for the first time while being on holidays in Brittany when I was a little girl. Those big bushes of color in all shades of blue and pink make me wonder and marvel. When I tried to grow my own I preferred the blue ones, being a lover of blue for whole my life. But I didn’t succeed, they all turned pink in the end. Of course I appreciated their attempt and beauty and I didn’t mind at all, being always impressed by their ability to bloom in such marvelous way. They need lots of water, don’t like drought and heat but besides that you can in fact ignore them, I believe that’s what they want.
This year we had the most beautiful blue ones I only dreamed of in the past, the blue was so very intense, I couldn’t do them justice while painting them. So I made pictures, lots of pictures to enjoy them throughout wintertime. And then, this month, when Autumn showed up, they turned colors in such a magical way, the blue became all kinds of different colors, and in many shades. Again I took pictures, of which I would love to share some of them with you.
Creative team
I like to illustrate my imaginary world by expressing and translating my thoughts and feelings into color and pattern.