
In the moment

Sitting in a comfortable chair, with a cup of tea made with Elderflower blossom which I picked in the fieds. At least from a place not, or less, polluted by many cars passing by. At the end of the summer I’ll make some jam from the elderberries, it’s delicious and, besides the sugar ;), a healthy fruit. I’m drinking the. tea from a vintage teacup to add to the quality of the feel good factor. It’s a challenge to not think of all the things I can do/make (too many ideas) or things I maybe shóuld do (also too many things…)Things I acctually don’t want to do but keep buzzing in my head. But for now, there’s this peaceful moment. There’s the sound of birds chirping, I can hear several species. The unmistakable chiffchaff, who seems to miss a beat from time to time whicj makes me smile. And there’s the rustling of the trees, when I close my eyes I imagine being at the beach, it’s almost the same sound. ‘Me time’, time to muse, to stare in the distance, into nothingness while enjoying the quietness.

I like to illustrate my imaginary world by expressing and translating my thoughts and feelings into color and pattern.