
Advent art journal 2022

December is a busy month, if only in your head. I have all these ideas for decorating and I’m thinking of all the things I would like to do. Mostly it stays all that because of too many plans that overflow my mind. This year I ran into a lovely challenge on Instagram, making an Advent Art Journal. It sounded like a wonderful and peaceful thing to do, perfect for this month. I’m not good at challenges, I easily get bored and I give up soon. But this one was different. The prompts were so inspiring and I felt motivated to finish this book which I started as a concertinabook, seen in the guidelines on Instagram.  

For 24 days, I colIaged, mixed and matched little pieces of paper. I added pockets and folds and flaps, I enjoyed it very much. And my first art journal was finished!

I like to illustrate my imaginary world by expressing and translating my thoughts and feelings into color and pattern.