
Never a dull color

'Kolorcircle' watercolor on photo paper
‘Kolorcircle’ watercolor on photo paper

When painting I never think of what colors to use, I always use the same primary colors of which I know they’ll make a beautiful blending: yellow lemon, pthalo blue or pthalo turquoise, and opera rose or magenta. In addition I have some tubes by Winsor and Newton in burnt umber, opera rose, phtalo turquoise.
Colors are never dull to me, it is the combination of colors that makes the difference between dull and vibrant. Everything inspires me, nature, evaluating creations, reading, looking through magazines, collecting lovely scraps of paper, doodles, a still life, flowers, animals or listen to my favorite music. My inspiration will be transformed in an idea immediately and a new creation is born.
Either pastels or vibrant, colors speak to me, and depending on the combination with others they can communicate as in joyful, fresh, calm, happy, clean, soothing and bright.

I like to illustrate my imaginary world by expressing and translating my thoughts and feelings into color and pattern.