
My love for succulents

Watercolor and cut-outs 5'x 5'
Watercolor and cut-outs 5’x 5′

What is it with my love for succulents….. Maybe it is their persistence, growing in silence, being not quite present, they don’t ask for much…..No, I don’t have green fingers, I always forget to water plants….and because I respect them a lot, I prefer to leave plants and flowers outside, let them do what they do, blooming and growing, so I can enjoy them from behind the window or from my porch when drinking my morning coffee. Still, I have some little pots filled with succulents decorating my work table. They sit in silence, watching me draw and paint, and they do what they do, growing and blooming (sometimes) and forgiving me the fact that I don’t have green fingers.

I like to illustrate my imaginary world by expressing and translating my thoughts and feelings into color and pattern.