
The world in pieces

It is holy week. To me, every moment of my life is holy, and not only since exactly 4 years ago, a difficult time when I had to fight for my life. I always feel and felt grateful, life cannot be taken for granted. Back then, I fought, as a miracle I got a second chance, and I came back. I haven’t enough words to express my gratitude for this.
This morning, while painting violets, and deeply impressed by yesterdays tragedy in Brussels, the cruelty in the world was too much for me. I felt overwhelmed by unbelief and sadness. And I cut up the painting, symbolically, in little circles, in little worlds. I have faith that love will always win and will make the world one! So let us unite and share our love and beauty especially to those in need of it to make that wholeness happen very soon.

The world in pieces


I like to illustrate my imaginary world by expressing and translating my thoughts and feelings into color and pattern.